
免疫接种 offer safe and effective protection from vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks. The United States is experiencing re-emergence of these diseases, in part due to factors such as un-immunized or under-immunized persons and global travel. The American College 健康 Association supports the use of vaccines to reduce outbreaks and protect the health of students and campus communities.

Recommended 免疫接种

The following immunizations are highly recommended for students attending Hawkeye 社区 College; however, they are not required for enrollment.

健康 Science students may have some immunizations required by clinical rotation sites.

  • 新型冠状病毒肺炎: All college students are recommended to get the coronavirus vaccine for the prevention of this respiratory virus.

  • 流感: All college students are recommended to get the flu vaccine annually.

  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): All college students born after 1956 without a history of disease are recommended to have two doses of MMR vaccine.

  • Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (whooping cough) (Tdap): All college students are recommended to have 1 dose of Tdap within the last 10 years.

  • 水痘: All college students without a history of chickenpox disease are recommended to have 2 doses of varicella vaccine.

  • 乙型肝炎: All college students are recommended to have the 乙型肝炎 series.

See the CDC, Vaccines and 免疫接种 for additional information on recommended immunizations.

Baseline TB Screening

Persons attending colleges or universities in Iowa from countries with high TB incidence rates should receive baseline TB screening upon entry into the college or university.

Baseline TB screening consists of two components: (1) assessing for current signs and symptoms of TB disease and (2) testing to screen for infection with M. 肺结核.

If assistance is needed with the TB Screening process, enrolled students can reach out to the campus 学生 健康 Clinic 预约.



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